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Roman Padua
Discover theRoman Padua through itinerant and inclusive routes, accessible both on foot and by bicycle. For each vehicle, 3 different itineraries have been created, of different durations, to allow anyone to have an instructive and interesting experience while discovering the city.
Pedestrian itinerary
Listen to the description
Duration: 30, 60, and 90 minutes
Discover the places of ancient Patavium, a rich and thriving center of trade, with its river port, forum and public buildings, served by important Roman roads.
Cycle route
Listen to the description
Duration: 30, 60, and 90 minutes
Discover the places of ancient Patavium, a rich and thriving center of trade, with its river port, forum and public buildings, served by important Roman roads.
Texts by Beatrice Franchini
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